Friday, 11 December 2015

Character Profile: John Walker

Brutally loyal Sheriff

“I didn’t bring you down here to find out what you’ve been up to. I already know. But the Prince wants to show the good people of Norwich what happens to traitors.”

Clan: Gangrel
Covenant: Ordo Dracul

Titles: Sheriff (City Status 4)
Court: High

Sheriff Walker may be a bit of a legend in Norwich, but like all the best larger-than-life figures, his origins are shrouded in mystery. Many have remarked that he has a military bearing, and the rumour mill is abuzz with theories, but anyone who knows the truth isn’t talking. What we do know that he is an efficient and loyal Sheriff. If anyone remarks that he never seems to do much, well, I’d say that’s what he wants you to think. The Hounds are his most public assistants, but it’s well known that he has a lot more help than that. Be careful what you say around Norwich, because you don’t know who’s listening.

The official story of John Walker’s rise within the city is at least fairly clear: our Glorious Prince Anastasia Lockwood recognised Sheriff Walker’s clear competence and promoted him from obscurity.His methods seem to be working, though some would question whether the hard line the Prince draws is appropriate. Whatever the public perception of the Prince’s law, Sheriff Walker enforces it without hesitation or doubt, and many are simply relieved to live in peace, largely able to go about their nightly business without fear. Walker’s decisive handling of the Anika Lyle situation recently has been yet another example of why you can put your trust in our Sheriff.

Likes: Gadgets, well-tailored suits, competent people
Dislikes: Treachery, chaos, people who think they’re better than him

  • You don’t do inhumane things for a hard-line Prince for over fifty years and still think like the rest of us. Don’t expect any mercy from our Sheriff Walker.
  • Most people think Prince Lockwood holds the Sheriff’s leash, but John Walker’s the brains behind that operation.
  • The Prince definitely knows what she’s doing with her pets - I heard she blood bonded the Sheriff when he decided he didn’t like her methods.
  • The Sheriff had a sister, did you know that? Before he was recruited by the Prince, they were pretty close, but she hasn’t been heard from in at least half a century. Wonder where she went...