Thursday, 8 December 2016

Character Profile: Johnny Suyuti

Cheery guardian of the sleeping dead

“Well, you know, sometimes the quietest people have an awful lot to say!”

Clan: Mekhet
Covenant: Ordo Dracul

Titles: Guardian of the Mausoleum, Baron of Lychgate (City Status 3)
Court: High

For someone who spends all their time in the company of torpored Kindred, Baron Johnny Suyuti is a surprisingly cheerful soul. He is a scholar through and through, always happy to help others progress their research and fond of lengthy discussions on obscure topics. Originally from Egypt, he came to England to to study artefacts that had been 'retrieved' from his home country and campaign for their return, but he came to work at the University of Norwich some years ago.

He made himself useful to the old Guardian of the Mausoleum and so was the natural choice as her successor when she had to give up the position. Johnny takes his responsibilities very seriously and is a stickler for protocol regarding the security of the Mausoleum. However, unlike his predecessor, he doesn't believe in keeping the great minds of the past locked away, and so will allow visitors to the torpored vampires in the Mausoleum, with appropriate precautions, of course. He even offers his services to act as a go-between for communication!

Likes: Downton Abbey; a good mystery; the smell of really good coffee
Dislikes: People who don't ask permission; bad debate technique; starfish


  • He seem be all sweetness and light, but have you seen him when he's arguing with a rival in his field? Nobody's that nice all the time.
  • Why’d you think he’s so interested in the Mausoleum - he’s got family in there, but not anyone he’d like you to know about.
  • Has anyone checked his aura recently? If I was going to become a serial diablerist, I know where I’d get a job…
  • Johnny has more than his fair share of secrets. He can speak to Kindred in torpor, and I bet they could answer a few awkward questions the higher-ups don’t want asked. Maybe he’s secretly got the whole High Court caught in a web of blackmail and corruption.

Kindred Status Merits

Given that there seems to be some confusion as to how the Status merit works when applied to clan, covenant and (the vampiric) city, we thought we’d take the opportunity to clarify and also tweak the rules to produce a better play experience.

The Status merit is bought separately for each different kind of Status at 1 Experience per dot, with each kind of Status having 1-5 dots available. This covers mundane Status (in professions or areas of the setting) but the clarifications we want to talk about are specifically the Kindred Status merits.

Each character has three kinds of Status available: clan, covenant and city. The default for each character that we recommend is one point of Status in each.

City Status means that you’re acknowledged in Kindred society and protected by its laws, and can hold Feeding Grounds.
Clan Status means that your clan accepts you as one of theirs and their structures (e.g. the Necropolis) will allow you access without any trouble.
Covenant Status means that your covenant accepts you as one of theirs and, more importantly, will potentially allow you access to their secrets.

The likelihood is that every character will have a dot of each of these - if you start the game with 2 or 0 points of Status in any of these, make sure to talk to the STs about it, as it is unusual for a starting player character. It is possible for these to change in play but thanks to the Sanctity of XP, you will have the Experiences for any stripped Status merits returned to you so you can spend them on something else or work to regain your Status.

You will have a primary Status for both clan and covenant. This is your character’s clan (or the clan they have announced themselves to be part of publicly, if they are hiding their clan) and the covenant they are part of at the start of play. If they are Unaligned at the start of the game, primary covenant Status will be the first covenant they join in play.

Their primary Status can potentially change. This is unlikely to happen for clan but is possible, if your character has their Clan Status stripped and is adopted by another clan - this happened in our previous chronicle. However, this is an exceptional situation and you should talk to the STs about it should something like this occur.

By the word of the rules, a character’s secondary Status in other covenants cannot equal their primary Status (so, if your character originally joined the Lancea et Sanctum, they would need to have 2 dots of Lance Status before they could buy 1 dot in Invictus Status). However, we are changing this: your character’s secondary covenant Status cannot exceed your primary covenant Status but can equal it (so, now the Lancea et Sanctum Kindred only needs one dot of Lance Status before they can gain a dot of Invictus Status). This is for simplicity and because of the lower power levels in our game.

Your character can only have access to the covenant secrets of your primary covenant (Cruac, Theban Sorcery, Coils of the Dragon, Invictus Oaths and Carthian Law) without risking serious in-game consequences. A player character or NPC can potentially teach you the secrets of their covenant when it is not your primary covenant, but it is highly dangerous for both teacher and pupil, leading to at best expulsion from the covenant and at worst...well, whatever punishment the covenant can cook up to fit a crime of that magnitude.

If you started in one covenant and have become disillusioned, don’t despair! You can change your primary covenant. In-game this involves finding members of that covenant who are willing to accept you into their society, then letting the STs know you want to change your primary covenant. Once you have changed your primary covenant and gained Status within it, you can learn that covenant’s secrets with minimal repercussions, though there may well be social consequences for your character from their old covenant, especially if they have learned covenant secrets in the past. Depending on your relative levels of covenant Status, you may lose some dots of Status in other covenants and mentors may become less accessible. However, any merits you no longer have access to will be refunded or you will have the opportunity to regain them.

Your total number of Status dots in all the covenants put together cannot exceed 5 at any point.

If this seems overly complicated, please do come and ask an ST to explain it. Changing covenants is meant to be a big deal in the game and should be an important part of your character’s arc, but we also need to make sure there are restrictions on and consequences for covenant secrets being shared. It is possible to hold secondary covenant Status and even be part of the Circle of the Crone’s Chorus or a Lay Member of the Lancea et Sanctum without changing covenants, but learning any of the unique mechanics of that covenant or covenant secrets will have the consequences discussed above. Covenants guard their knowledge fiercely and don’t take kindly to people joining just to learn them. For instance, we have an NPC called Melissa Pryor who has declared herself ‘covenant neutral’ - she started in the Invictus and has 2 dots of Invictus Status, but she also has a dot of every other covenant’s Status except the Carthian Movement. She does not have access to Cruac, Theban Sorcery or Coils (or at least, if she does, she’s keeping it quiet).

Larry is a Lancea et Sanctum vampire with 1 dot of Lance Status as his primary covenant Status (and 1 dot each of Gangrel and City Status). He finds himself increasingly drawn to the Invictus rather than the Lance and an Invictus player character, Tommy, helps him to gain the respect of other Invictus, meaning that he can buy 1 dot of Invictus Status. All fine and dandy. If Tommy then teaches Larry Invictus Oaths and anyone finds out, both Larry and Tommy are in all kinds of trouble.

Larry decides that he wants to learn Invictus Oaths and become a Notary, but he doesn’t want to risk him and Tommy being chucked out of the Invictus for it. He tells the STs that ha wants to change his primary covenant to the Invictus, meaning that the Lancea et Sanctum is now his secondary covenant Status. He can now learn Invictus Oaths without it negatively impacting his standing in the Invictus. However, he also knows 1 dot of Theban Sorcery - the Lance don’t like him leaving the covenant with that ability, so he has to assure them that he will not use it and if he does use it again and anyone finds out, he’s in trouble! He also finds that his mentor in the Lance is more distant and his old friends and allies there trust him less, and some in the Invictus suspect him of being a Lance infiltrator. He can work on these through socialising and proving himself trustworthy, and potentially keep his Lance mentor or have the Experiences refunded.

As a final point, the effective maximum any player character can have in a single clan, covenant, or city Status is 3.  If you get more Status than that in one group or the city as a whole, you’re moving into the lofty arena of the High Court, and so will become an NPC.  Don’t worry, we won’t impose this on anyone, although it’s a fine end of game goal to have for your character.

As ever, if you have any questions about this or want to clarify anything about your character’s Status merits, please e-mail us at