Development Notes:
We liked the idea of the Murder of Harpies, especially as it means each Harpy has an ST to write for them. We wanted to give the feel of a lively group of NPCs with their own writing styles, agendas and political positions so that PCs could get involved with their machinations and effect subtle changes on status and reputation. The Harpies provide a semi-anonymous way of broadcasting gossip (though obviously there are still ways of finding out who was behind a particularly slanderous piece of information) and, we hope, give another social dimension to the game.
Introducing the Murder:
Samuel Asinelli – Nosferatu Invictus
Of course someone as important as Samuel is a member of the Murder: he makes or breaks the reputations of Kindred both low and high with but a stroke of his pen after all. He worked hard to secure his position at the top of his tower and you can be damn sure he’s going to do everything he can to stay there. If that means shading reports to support the status quo, so be it. His reports are often rambling, punctuated with flurries of excitement and excess punctuation when he finds something that really excites him and his muse. As such he makes a point of having his assistants keep an eye on the Low Court in case the ‘next big thing’ emerges so he can be the first to discover it.
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Fashions and trends; the movers and shakers in Kindred society; what’s hot and what’s decidedly not; the politics of the city.
Avro Clark - Mekhet Lancea et Sanctum
A deeply faithful Kindred who insists that Truth is God and God Truth, sometimes to the point of causing unease among his own covenant. His commitment to telling the truths he perceives can cause ripples that the Sanctified would rather avoid. His Harpy reports are conspiracy-theory-filled rants about anything and everything, but they contain moments of utter clarity within them, which can be a compelling combination for his readers, and his obsession with puzzles appeals to many Kindred of the Court. Dismissed by some as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist, he nevertheless has a knack for breaking stories others can't, and he has a reputation for telling it as it is.
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Conspiracy theories; occult mysteries; religious events and miracles (regardless of denomination); political corruption.
Rosa Flores – Gangrel Carthian
Brought up from the Low Court as a surprisingly appealing and easy to get along with Carthian. Seen as somewhat of an appeasement to the Carthians, but she defends herself fiercely - she’s too Gangrel to want to be seen as a chosen for anything but her own merit. She truly believes in the work of the Harpies - voices of the people in a system that tries to drown out all but the most powerful. For all her ideology of representing the people, if someone threatens her status she crushes them immediately. After all, she’s worked hard to get where she is today.
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High drama; crimes and punishments; the gory stuff; territory fights and disputes; grisly Kine issues that may affect Kindred interests.
Freddie Hallam – Daeva Ordo Dracul
Affected and louche, Freddie fancies himself a worldly commentator on the shallowness of Kindred politics. He shows off by throwing in references to art, but he just can’t resist a good scandal. He is a pragmatic Daeva, one of the few members of the clan who plays along with the system, but he has a sneaking admiration for those who are a bit more chaotic. His political career is one of carefully walking a tightrope between keeping his position and shocking more conservative Kindred with his opinions.
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Interpersonal scandal, especially of the kind that shows Kindred aren't as removed from their Beasts as they'd like to think; reasons why people have been given positions or changes in status; anything that could cause ripples in people's relationships; Kindred interference in Kine matters.
Aurelia Tarrant - Ventrue Circle of the Crone
Aurelia is a magpie for strange phenomena, whether scientific, natural or magical (she would say it’s not for ordinary Kindred to interpret which is which). Embraced by a High Court Ventrue of good family, she is extremely well-educated, and in her news reports she demonstrates that she knows more than you do. Her reports are impeccably, and very densely, written. They must be combed through to extract that tidbit of gossip about just where that shadowy creature was seen on the street or beside which constellation the light in the sky was seen. If she were questioned, she would claim that she is making sure that the most worthy Kindred come into contact with these phenomena. While some scoff at her ivory-tower pose, intellectuals enjoy her mind-games and recognise that she is the first port of call for occult gossip.
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Phenomena and anomalies; changes in kine behaviour; intellectual rivalries; new discoveries; anything that presents the Circle in a positive light.
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