Tuesday, 18 November 2014

It's all in the family - Bloodlines in the Dark Metropolis

After some extensive discussion among the ST team, we’ve decided that the following bloodlines exist in the Dark Metropolis setting, and may be available for PCs to join or be sired into.  If you’re considering one of the bloodlines below for your character, please get in touch with us to discuss how we can best work this into your character’s story.

Other bloodlines may exist in the setting, but are rare and will be mainly reserved for NPCs.  Discovering more about such mysterious bloodlines can be done in play.

In all cases, we will be redesigning (and quite probably streamlining) any bloodline-specific disciplines and devotions to work with the Blood and Smoke rules.  While the background and thematics of the bloodlines will be remaining largely the same, don’t assume the mechanics will!

If you’re new to Requiem or unfamiliar with bloodlines, don’t worry!  Most vampires aren’t part of a bloodline, and you don’t have to make a decision about bloodlines at character creation.  We’re happy to discuss bloodlines in more detail with anyone who wants to know more.

If you are interested in one of these bloodlines, try and read their full entry, as they often have mindsets and nuances that we can’t cover in a brief description. Bloodlines that existed in another form in Vampire: the Masquerade (such as Malkovians or Toreador) are likely to be very different to their previous incarnation, so please bear that in mind. If you are interested in a bloodline but have difficulty accessing the full write-up, let us know.  We’ve included book and page references in the list below.

Daeva Bloodlines:
  • Anvari - Opium-addicted Kindred whose blood holds sway over narcotics. (Bloodlines: The Hidden, p20)
  • Duchagne - Ennui drives these Kindred to constantly seek new sensations in everything they do. (Bloodlines: The Chosen, p36)
  • Erzsebet - These Daeva age as the years go by and seek to someday walk in the sun once more. (Daeva, p114)
  • Gulikan - Perfumers and bloodhounds, the Gulikan have a truly remarkable sense of smell. (Bloodlines: The Legendary, p64)
  • Nelapsi * - Cursed with a gluttonous need for blood, the Nelapsi cultivate devoted herds through love and fear. (Bloodlines: The Hidden, p88)
  • Toreador - Obsessed with art, the Toreador seek to be creators and patrons in both traditional and innovative art forms. (Vampire: the Requiem, 1st Edition, p246)

Gangrel Bloodlines:
  • Bohagande * - Suffering under their founder’s curse, the Bohagande steal other’s luck to make their own. (Bloodlines: The Hidden, p38)
  • Carnon - Radical neo-pagan Kindred with rock and roll sensibilities, the Carnon style themselves as Horned Gods. (Circle of the Crone, p168)
  • Childer of Morrigan - Proud warriors of the Circle of the Crone, this line is slowly dying out as the world of their glorious past fades away. (Circle of the Crone, p172)
  • Mara - Kindred who hunt from the water’s edge, waiting for the unwary. (Circle of the Crone, p180)
  • Shepherds - Protectors of humans from Kindred, in an effort to preserve the Masquerade. (Ancient Bloodlines, p36)
  • Taifa - A refined bloodline of artists, politicians and scholars, the Taifa view themselves as the protectors of civilisation. (Bloodlines: The Chosen, p75)

Mekhet Bloodlines:
  • Agonistes - Kindred historians who work to preserve vampiric knowledge for the ages. (Bloodlines: The Chosen, p16)
  • Alucinor - Disconnected from the waking world, the Alucinor walk in dreams even when awake. (Bloodlines: The Hidden, p12)
  • Brothers of Ypres - A legacy of the trenches of the Great War, the Jones feed on poisoned blood. (Ancient Bloodlines, p22)
  • Libitinarius - Scholarly occults, the Libitinarius study torpor through their devotion to the goddess Libitina. (Ordo Dracul, p155)
  • Lynx - A modern bloodline, the Lynx are obsessed with networks and connections. (Invictus, p165)
  • Morbus * - The plague-rats of Kindred society, the Morbus can only feed from the sick. (Vampire: the Requiem, 1st Edition, p244)
  • Norvegi - Fangless Kindred mercenaries from Northern Europe, they are barely considered vampires. (Mekhet, p84)
  • Players - Image is everything, and why settle for being a real vampire when you can go for the glamour of Hollywood’s undead? (Bloodlines: The Legendary, p116)
Nosferatu Bloodlines:
  • Baddacelli - Kindred who have a mastery over sound to compensate for being struck blind by the curse of their blood. (Bloodlines: The Chosen, p26)
  • Burakumin - A line of shunned kindred descended from those who cared for the dead. (Vampire: the Requiem, 1st Edition, p238)
  • Cockscomb Society - Nosferatu who do everything they can to distance themselves from their clan’s curse by rising high in both Kindred and Kine society. (Nosferatu, p106)
  • Morotrophians - Kindred who haunt prisons, rehab clinics and other self contained institutions while using their powers of the blood to enforce their will upon them. (Bloodlines: The Hidden, p68)
  • Noctuku * - The Noctuku consider themselves apex predators while suffering from a dark hunger that drives them to devour the flesh of their prey. (Bloodlines: The Chosen, p46)
  • Order of Sir Martin - Warriors descended from the crusades associated with disease who’ve allied themselves with the Invictus. (Ancient Bloodlines, p137)

Ventrue Bloodlines:
  • Adrestoi - Cutthroat businesspeople aiming to be the top of the food chain in the urban jungle. (Ventrue, p104)
  • Corajoso - Scholars who can read and manipulate another’s very soul through their blood. (Ancient Bloodlines, p99)
  • Deucalion - Ventrue supremacists who use inferior clans’ weaknesses against them while refusing to believe in their own. (Carthians, p160)
  • Dragolescu - A mysterious lineage who are able to see, alter, and some say even consume ghosts. (Ordo Dracul, p150)
  • Malkovians - A lineage descended from an unstable Victorian doctor, these Ventrue have sunk into madness. (Vampire: the Requiem, 1st Edition, p241)
  • Melissidae * - Despised and feared, this rare lineage claim power over insects and humans, gathering hives of both around themselves. (Bloodlines: The Legendary, p103)

Bloodlines marked with an asterisk (*) are regarded as pariahs by Kindred society, and playing a member of this bloodline will have serious or even fatal consequences when they are discovered in character.  Anyone considering playing a member of such a bloodline should keep this in mind, and have the discovery of their bloodline secret included as part of planning their character’s story.  We are only likely to approve one or at most two PC for such lines, and where multiple PC exist for one of these pariah bloodlines we will expect them to be linked concepts.

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